There are resources available to support oak restoration on private lands.
You can find technical experts to help with designing and carrying out restoration projects, places to buy native plants and other materials, as well as funding opportunities that might help to offset the cost of oak restoration.
Local Soil & Water Conservation Districts
Oregon’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) provide technical assistance, educational outreach, and other services to landowners, managers, and citizens working on local conservation efforts.
Staff at individual SWCDs can help with assessing your resources, developing a conservation plan for your property, designing practices, monitoring resource conditions, or following-up on installed conservation practices.
Find your local Soil and Water Conservation District office at this website.
OSU Extension
Oregon State University Extension is available to provide information and expertise to help Oregonians address critical natural resource management issues.
Find your OSU Extension office at Trusts
Land trusts specialize in conservation easements as a way to offer landowners incentives to permanently protect land with conservation value.
Find a local land trust at the Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts (COLT) website.
Restoration Contractors
There are a number of private contractors that can help with various components of an oak restoration project from planning to tree thinning to planting.
This a list of contractors. We are not affiliated with any of them nor do we take any responsibility for their work. It is up to you to vet any company you hire just as you would for any other service. -
Native Plants & Seeds
Here are some places to purchase native plants or seeds for restoration projects:
Heritage Seedlings
Mahonia Nursery
Native Seeds of Oregon
Scholls Valley Native Nursery
Native Seeds of OregonVisit the Native Seed Network to locate other sources of native seed.
Visit Plant Native for an index of other native plant nurseries in Oregon.
Supplies & Equipment
Here are some places to purchase materials that might be part of a restoration project:
There are a few grant programs in Oregon that landowners can apply to in order to secure funds for oak restoration projects. These grants require some form of “cost share” meaning that there needs to be a contribution to the budget from an additional source.
NRCS Environmental Incentives Program Grants
OWEB Technical Assistance Grants
Oregon Ag Heritage Program Grants
Good Oak Conservation Websites
Clackamas SWCD Oak page
Tualitin SWCD Oak Habitat page
Know Your Forest Guide
Oak Initiatives
Other Groups That Work on Oak Conservation Issues
Technical & Financial Resources for Landowners and Managers
Photo courtesy of Craig and Gabrielle Keeler