Landowners and other partners across Oregon are working to protect and restore Oregon’s oaks. The Oak Conservation Portal is here to connect you to the information and resources you need to do your part.
Healthy oak and prairie habitats protect our landscapes and our way of life.
Majestic, and at times massive, the oak tree is what comes to mind when you picture the valley vistas of western Oregon. But these iconic trees aren’t just beautiful; they are the lifeline for hundreds of other plant and animal species.
Oak and prairie sites provide stopovers and homes for birds and attract pollinators. They help to keep our rivers clean and reduce the risk of wildfire. In fact, northwest oak landscapes are among the most drought-tolerant, wildfire-resilient native habitats in North America making them ideal for carbon storage and a critical tool in the fight against climate change.
All About Oregon White Oak
Oaks Under Threat
Best Practices for Managing Oak
General information about oak conservation in Oregon.
Overview of the threats facing Oregon White Oak.
Resources that describe specific techniques and approaches to restoring oak savannas and woodlands.
Technical & Financial Resources
Lists of people that can help with restoration projects and places where to get supplies.
Potential funding sources to support restoration projects.
Oaks & Climate Change
Learn how climate change is impacting Oregon White Oak.